Beatrix Potter and Edith Holden, two pioneers of ecofeminism

Publié le 1 avril 2024 à 10:44

Dear readers, 


What is ecofeminism?

According to ecofeminists, this movement makes the connection between the exploitation of women and the destruction of the environment. But what are we going to discuss today? I'd like to talk to you about naturalistic illustration, or how to make your mark as a woman in a misogynistic environment. In particular, I want to discuss Beatrix Potter and Edith Holden.

Who is Beatrix Potter?

Beatrix Potter was overlooked as a naturalist illustrator because this was a male-dominated field at the time. That's why she turned to children's literature, where her skills as an illustrator were recognized. She is best known for her story "Peter Rabbit". Beatrix Potter wanted to study mycology in particular, but access was restricted to men. Even when her uncle introduced her to Kew Gardens, she was given very little time. . She turned to writing scientific articles, but again the door remained closed to her. However, she didn't give up hope and fought against prejudice. She discovered a new interest in children's illustration, initially writing to cheer up the sick son of her former tutor. She discovered her talent for storytelling, and gradually the world discovered her. But when it came time to publish, she found the door closed. That's why she decided to publish at her own expense. Her first book, "Peter Rabbit", was a huge success. An environmentalist before her time, her drawings are imbued with poetry, and her characters gradually move away from certain stereotypes, such as that of model girls. Furthermore, she always tries to make the endings of her stories happy, even though she doesn't hide the sometimes cruel reality of the animal world. The money raised from the sale of her books was earmarked for farmers and helped to preserve certain breeds of sheep. It also helped to preserve certain areas of land in the Lake District.

My advice:

About ten years ago, I had the opportunity to visit the Lake District. I admire Beatrix Potter's work. She mixes realism with a touch of the dreamlike. She was a woman who never gave up, an avant-gardist who never stopped fighting against male domination. She never wanted to submit like a good housewife. Through her illustrations, she asserted herself and her choices. This makes her a pioneer and a source of inspiration for many women. I really like the character of Peter Rabbit, whom I find gentle, and the graphics are particularly well done, with a very poetic story.

Who is Edith Holden ?

Now let's take a closer look at the work of Edith Holden. . Another feminist figure, less well known but also an inspiring female figure. She was particularly interested in naturalistic illustration. Like Beatrix Potter, she protested against the model of the English woman of her time. In fact, naturalist illustration was not very popular with women at the time; they  were expected to focus on "inner arts" such as music and embroidery. Edith Holden's passion for nature is hightlighted throughout her book. Even though her work has remained in the shadows, like Beatrix Potter, she married late in life. Edith Holden was a committed environmentalist, supporting the National Council for Animal Welfare with her illustrations.

My advice:

Although less well known than Beatrix Potter, her drawings and her book "The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady" are just as remarkable. Edith Holden was able to impose her "touch", her drawing, because we know all too well that it was a very misogynistic environment. Imposing her passion in this way seems to me to be a powerful act. Her diary was intended to educate young girls. The illustrations are accompanied by very gentle poetic texts. She follows the seasons, and it's very pleasant to leaf through her book.

Why bring these two women together? Why talk about these artists? Firstly, to highlight their work, but more importantly for me, they are pioneers of ecofeminism. They were able to assert themselves in a misogynist world, which was a powerful act at the time. Even today, the naturalist world is still very male-dominated.

Take care,



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Alison Bouhmid
il y a 7 mois

Thank you very much Solen for this enlightening post. I am very familiar with the works of Beatrix Potter and Edith Holden but I did not know that they can be considered to be pioneers of ecofeminism. Fascinating!

il y a 6 mois

Thanks for your comment!
Beatrix Potter's work has shown her to be an ecologist and, above all, a feminist! I've done some research, and I think we can say that she was an eco-feminist ahead of her time! I recommend the book by Linda Elovitz Marshall and Ilaria Urbinati. It's very well done and provides insight into Beatrix Potter's struggles. As for Edith Holden, it's more difficult to access her work, at least in France, but it's still remarkable!